2D Turning (Lathe)

GibbsCAM 2-Axis Lathe 

Duration: 1 Days

Price: $500.00

Minimun: 2 Students

Prerequisite: Students are encouraged to complete GibbsCAM tutorials from

GibbsCAM training manuals.

This detailed one-day course introduces the basics of lathe software to beginner machinists or first-time GibbsCAM users:

- Software layout, terminology and configuration

- Part geometry: ways to draw part geometry; how to simplify creation and manipulation of part geometry

- Modifying origin and viewing capabilities
- Importing geometry data (IGES, DXF, DWG) - Create tools

- Building processes for machining including facing, roughing, contouring, grooving, threading and hole making

- Sorting, manipulating and optimizing machine operations

- Cut part rendering and tool path verification - Creating process data sheets
- Post-processing
- Communications 

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